Worksuite Glossary
- A
- Absence (USA)
- Access to a benefit plan (USA)
- Accident Compensation Act, 2001
- Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)
- Accommodation (USA)
- Act on Minimum Wages and Minimum Holiday Allowances (Netherlands)
- Act on the Protection of Privacy in Working Life, 2004
- Adoptive Leave Act, 2005
- AFM Tax ID (Greece)
- Agency Workers Regulations, 2010
- Alternative work arrangement (USA)
- AM
- Annual Holidays Act, 2005
- Annual Leave (Czech Republic)
- Annual Leave Act (Sweden)
- Annual Leave Law, 1951 (Israel)
- Anti-Discrimination Act
- Applicant (USA)
- Articles of Association (Switzerland)
- At work (USA)
- Attendance bonus (USA)
- Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
- Average hourly earnings (USA)
- Average weekly earnings (USA)
- Average weekly hours (USA)
- B
- Bachelors degree (USA)
- Bangladesh Labour Act, 2006
- Base Salary (USA)
- Belgian Labor Law
- Belgian Tax Authority
- Benefits (USA)
- Benefits Review Committee (BRC)
- Bonus Salary
- Bosnian Tax Administration
- Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
- Bureau of International Labor Affairs (USA)
- Bureau of Labor Statistics (USA)
- C
- Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale (Morocco)
- Canada Employment Insurance Commission (CEIC)
- Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB)
- Canada Labour Code (Industrial Relations)
- Canada Labour Code (Occupational Health and Safety)
- Canada Labour Code (Part III)
- Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
- Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
- Carers Leave Act, 2001
- Casual Pauza
- CB
- CDD à objet défini
- Central Business Registration Number (Denmark)
- Certification (USA)
- CF
- Chamber of Labour Act
- Child Allowance (Croatia)
- Child Care Benefit Act
- Childcare assistance (USA)
- Chilean Labour Code
- Christmas Bonus (13th Month Salary)
- Church Tax (Denmark)
- Cik-pauza
- Civil Liability Insurance (Switzerland)
- Class of worker (USA)
- Co-operation Act, 2022
- Code of Practice for Determining Employment or Self-employment Status of Individuals, 2021
- Coinsurance (USA)
- Collective Bargaining Agreements (France)
- Collective dismissal
- Collective Labour Agreements Act
- Collective Labour Relations Act
- Colombian Labour Code (Employment Contract)
- Colombian Labour Code (Working Hours)
- Colombian Labour Code, 1951
- Commercial Register (Switzerland)
- Commission Contract (Poland)
- Companies Act, 2006
- Compensation (USA)
- Compliance management
- Constitution of Morocco
- Constitution of Thailand
- Constitution of Vietnam
- Consumer Credit Protection Act (USA)
- Contingent workers (USA)
- Contingent Workforce
- Continued Remuneration Act (Austria)
- Continued Remuneration Act (Germany)
- Contract Labour Act, 1970
- Copayment (USA)
- Corporate Income Tax (CIT)
- Cost per hour worked (USA)
- Creative brief
- Creative operations
- Croatia Labour Act (Part II)
- Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (Belgium)
- CS
- D
- Danish Digital Signature
- Danish Labor Law
- Danish National Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Danish Tax Authority
- Decree on Public Holidays (Morocco)
- Deductible (USA)
- Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
- Department of Business Development (Thailand)
- Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR)
- Department of Health (Ireland)
- Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
- Department of Industrial Relations Malaysia
- Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
- Department of Labour Market (Poland)
- Department of Labour of Peninsular Malaysia
- Department of Occupational Safety and Health, DOSH (Malaysia)
- Department of Skills Development (Malaysia)
- Department of Social Economy and Public Benefit (Poland)
- Direct discrimination
- Director-General for Human Resources Development
- Disability Discrimination Act, 1992
- Disability Insurance Fund (Switzerland)
- Disciplinary dismissal
- Discrimination Against Disabled People (Brazil)
- Displaced workers (USA)
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
- Documentations Act (Germany)
- Duration of unemployment (USA)
- Dutch Civil Code (Employee Rights in case of a Transfer of Undertaking)
- Dutch Civil Code (Employment Contract)
- Dutch Civil Code (Fixed-term employment contract)
- Dutch Civil Code (Required Leaves)
- Dutch Civil Code (Sickness Leave)
- Dutch Equal Treatment Act
- Dutch Tax and Customs Administration
- Dutch Works Council Act (Right Of Advice)
- Dutch Works Council Act (Right Of Consent)
- Duties (USA)
- Dynamex ABC Test
- E
- Earnings (USA)
- Educational attainment (USA)
- Employee Benefits Security Administration (USA)
- Employee classification
- Employee Leasing Act
- Employee recognition bonus (USA)
- Employees Income Provision Act
- Employees Provident Fund Act, 1991
- Employees Social Security Act, 1969
- Employer (USA)
- Employment (USA)
- Employment Act, 1968
- Employment Act, 1968 (Annual Leave)
- Employment Act, 1968 (Holidays)
- Employment Act, 1968 (Payment of Salary)
- Employment Act, 1968 (Sick Leave)
- Employment Act, 2018 (Miscellaneous Provisions)
- Employment and Training Administration (USA)
- Employment Bureau of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (Costa Rica)
- Employment Contract (Poland)
- Employment Contract Law (Argentina)
- Employment Contracts Act (Estonia)
- Employment Contracts Act, 2001 (Finland)
- Employment Contracts Act, Estonia (Annual Holiday)
- Employment Contracts Act, Estonia (Maternity Leave)
- Employment Contracts Act, Estonia (Parental Leave)
- Employment Contracts Act, Estonia (Paternity Leave)
- Employment Contracts Act, Estonia (Regular Pay)
- Employment Environment and Equal Employment Bureau
- Employment Equality Acts, 1998–2015
- Employment Equity Act
- Employment for the Future (France)
- Employment Insurance System Act, 2017
- Employment Ordinance Chapter 12 (Protection against Anti-union Discrimination)
- Employment Ordinance Chapter 2 (Contract of Employment)
- Employment Ordinance Chapter 3 (Wages)
- Employment Ordinance Chapter 4 (Holidays)
- Employment Ordinance Chapter 4 (Paid Annual Leave)
- Employment Ordinance Chapter 4 (Rest Days)
- Employment Ordinance Chapter 5 (Sickness Allowance)
- Employment Ordinance Chapter 6 (Maternity Protection)
- Employment Ordinance Chapter 7 (Paternity Leave)
- Employment Ordinance Chapter 8 (End of Year Payment)
- Employment Ordinance, Hong Kong (Independent Contractors)
- Employment Permits Acts, 2003–2014
- Employment Protection Act of Sweden
- Employment Regulations, 2010 (Part-time Employees)
- Employment Relations Act, 1999
- Employment Relations Act, 2000
- Employment Relations Authority (ERA)
- Employment Rights Act, 1996
- Employment Security Bureau
- End-of-year bonus (USA)
- Equal Pay Act, 1972
- Equal treatment
- Equal Treatment Act
- Estatuto de los Trabajadores (Employment Contracts)
- Estatuto de los Trabajadores (Employment Termination)
- Estatuto de los Trabajadores (Minimum Wage)
- Estatuto de los Trabajadores (Work Hours)
- Estonian Gender Equality Act
- Estonian Health Board
- Experience (USA)
- F
- Fair Work Act, 2009
- Fair Work Commission (FWC)
- Family and Medical Leave Act (USA)
- Family Leave and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 2021
- Federal Act on Holidays
- Federal Administration of Public Revenues (Argentina)
- Federal Board of Revenue (Pakistan)
- Federal Central Tax Office
- Federal Labour Law (Minimum Wage/Salary)
- Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS)
- Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy
- Federal Ministry of Health
- Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
- Finnish Tax Administration
- Fixed Term Contact (France)
- Flexible Workplace (USA)
- Form W-2
- French Labour Code (Independent Contractors)
- French Pension Scheme
- Full Sick Pay (Brazil)
- G
- General Health Care Act of 1986 (Spain)
- General Leave (Czech Republic)
- General Retirement and Social Insurance Authority (GRSIA)
- General Tax Administration (Morocco)
- General Tax Authority (Qatar)
- German Civil Code
- Gig economy
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Government Decision No. 300/2006 (Romania)
- Greek Chamber of Commerce
- Greek Civil Code
- Guarantee Fund for Length of Service (FGTS)
- H
- Harmonization of Leave Law and Introduction of Care Leave Act (Annual Leave Act)
- Health and Safety at Work Act (Austria)
- Health and Safety at Work Act, 2015 (New Zealand)
- Health and Safety Regulations (Colombia)
- Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly
- Health Bureau (Hong Kong)
- Health Insurance Bureau
- Health Maintenance Organization (USA)
- Health Policy Bureau
- Health Service Bureau
- Healthcare Benefits (USA)
- Hiring bonus (USA)
- His Majestys Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
- Holiday Act, 2003 (New Zealand)
- Holiday bonus (USA)
- Holidays Act, 1951 (Malaysia)
- Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF)
- Hourly earnings (USA)
- Hours of work (USA)
- Hours worked (USA)
- Human Resources Development Fund (Malaysia)
- Human Rights Act, 1993 (New Zealand)
- I
- IC
- IdP
- Incentive-based pay (USA)
- Income (USA)
- Income Tax
- Income Tax Act, 1967 (Schedular Tax Deduction)
- Income Tax Department (ITD)
- Income Tax Law (Chile)
- Income Tax Ordinance, Bangladesh (Applicable Taxes)
- Income Tax Return form D-101 (Costa Rica)
- Independent contractor (USA)
- Indirect discrimination
- Individual objective dismissal
- Industrial Relation Act, 1967 (Malaysia)
- Industrial Relations Act, 2015 (Ireland)
- Industrial Safety and Health Act
- Industrial Safety and Health Law, 1972 (Japan)
- Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)
- Inland Revenue Department (IRD)
- Institute of Labour Market Information and Analysis (Malaysia)
- Internal Regulations (Colombia)
- Internal Revenue Service (Chile)
- IRS Form SS-8
- Israeli Tax Authority
- Italian Civil Code
- Italian Constitution
- Italian Revenue Agency
- L
- Labor Code (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Labor Code of the Philippines (Article 109)
- Labor Code of Ukraine
- Labor Standards Act (Japan)
- Labour Act, Bangladesh (Annual Vacation and Holidays)
- Labour Act, Bangladesh (Employee Protections)
- Labour Act, Bangladesh (Employment Contract)
- Labour Act, Bangladesh (Fixed-Term Employment Contracts)
- Labour Act, Bangladesh (Grounds for Termination)
- Labour Act, Bangladesh (Law Prohibiting Discrimination or Harassment)
- Labour Act, Bangladesh (Notice)
- Labour Act, Bangladesh (Overtime Pay)
- Labour Act, Bangladesh (Probationary Period)
- Labour Act, Bangladesh (Sick Leave and Sick Pay)
- Labour Act, Bangladesh (Temporary Agency Staffing)
- Labour Act, Bangladesh (Trade Secrets and Confidential Information)
- Labour Act, Bangladesh (Working Hours)
- Labour and Welfare Bureau (Hong Kong)
- Labour Code of Czech Republic (Breaks)
- Labour Code of Czech Republic (Daily Rest)
- Labour Code of Czech Republic (Overtime)
- Labour Code of Czech Republic (Public Holidays)
- Labour Code of Czech Republic (Weekly Rest)
- Labour Code of Czech Republic (Working Hours)
- Labour Inspection Act (Austria)
- Labour Inspectorate of Estonia
- Labour Market Reform, 2012 (Spain)
- Labour Protection Act (Thailand)
- Labour Relation Act (Thailand)
- Labour Relations Commission (Japan)
- Labour Standards Act, South Korea (Annual Leave)
- Labour Standards Act, South Korea (Labor Contracts)
- Labour Standards Act, South Korea (Public Holidays)
- Labour Standards Act, South Korea (Wages and Social Insurance)
- Labour Standards Act, South Korea (Working Time)
- Labour Standards Bureau (Japan)
- Labour Standards Law (Japan)
- Law Against Discrimination on PLHIV (Brazil)
- Law No. 9,029/1995 (Brazil)
- Law on Equality between Men and Women (Spain)
- Law on Hiring of a Temporary Worker (Brazil)
- Law on Medical Care (Colombia)
- Law on Racial Discrimination (Brazil)
- Law on Work Risk Prevention (Spain)
- Law regarding Secondment of the Employees (Romania)
- Loss of Earnings Insurance Fund (Switzerland)
- M
- Maternity Leave (Brazil)
- Maternity Leave (Czech Republic)
- Maternity Protection Act, 1979 (Austria)
- Maternity Protection Act, 2004 (Ireland)
- MC
- MC
- Mexico’s Federal Labor Law (Annual Leave)
- Mexico’s Federal Labor Law (Christmas Bonus)
- Mexico’s Federal Labor Law (Employment Contracts)
- Mexico’s Federal Labor Law (Mandatory Holidays)
- Mexico’s Federal Labor Law (Maternity Leave)
- Mexico’s Federal Labor Law (Paternity Leave)
- Mexico’s Federal Labor Law (Standard Work Week)
- Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts, 1973–2005
- Minimum Retirement Age Act, 2012 (Malaysia)
- Minimum Wage Act, 1983 (New Zealand)
- Minimum Wage Law, 1987 (Israel)
- Minimum Wages Act of, 2013 (Croatia)
- Minimum Wages Law (Japan)
- Minimum Wages Order, 2016 (Malaysia)
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
- Ministry of Commerce (Thailand)
- Ministry of Economics, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty (France)
- Ministry of Employment and Labor (South Korea)
- Ministry of Finance (Costa Rica)
- Ministry of Finance (Czech Republic)
- Ministry of Finance (United Arab Emirates)
- Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic
- Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
- Ministry of Health (Argentina)
- Ministry of Health (Brazil)
- Ministry of Health (Czech Republic)
- Ministry of Health (MOH)
- Ministry of Health (Poland)
- Ministry of Health (Portugal)
- Ministry of Health (Spain)
- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Bangladesh)
- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India)
- Ministry of Health and Prevention (UAE)
- Ministry of Health and Social Affairs (Sweden)
- Ministry of Health and Welfare (South Korea)
- Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia
- Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia
- Ministry of Health of Ukraine
- Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (Netherlands)
- Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia
- Ministry of Labor and Social Security (Chile)
- Ministry of Labour and Employment (India)
- Ministry of Labour and Pension System, Family and Social Policy (Croatia)
- Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Czech Republic)
- Ministry of Labour and Social Economy (Spain)
- Ministry of Labour and Social Security (Brazil)
- Ministry of Labour of Pakistan
- Ministry of Labour, Employment and Economic Inclusion (France)
- Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (Argentina)
- Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy (Serbia)
- Ministry of Labour, MOL (United Arab Emirates)
- Ministry of Manpower (Singapore)
- Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (MoNHSRC)
- Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (Netherlands)
- Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
- Ministry of Solidarity and Health (France)
- Misclassification
- Moroccan Labor Code
- Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC)
- Moroccan Tax Code
- N
- National Board of Revenue (Bangladesh)
- National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (Italy)
- National Institute of Social Security (INSS)
- National Insurance Fund (Israel)
- National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC)
- National Minimum Wage Act, 1998 (United Kingdom)
- National Minimum Wage Act, 2000 (Ireland)
- National Revenue Administration (Poland)
- National Social Security Administration (Argentina)
- National Social Security Authority (Italy)
- National Social Security Institute (Spain)
- National Tax Agency (Japan)
- National Tax Service (South Korea)
- National Trade Register Office (Romania)
- National Wages Consultative Council Act, 2011 (Malaysia)
- Notice Period (Brazil)
- O
- Occupational Health and Safety Management System (Colombia)
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (USA)
- OF
- Office of Disability Employment Policy (USA)
- Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (USA)
- Office of Labor-Management and Standards (USA)
- Office of Workers Compensation Programs (USA)
- Old-Age and Survivors’ Insurance (Switzerland)
- Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997 (Ireland)
- Organisation of Working Time Regulations, 2001 (Ireland)
- Organization for Self-Employed (Greece)
- OSH Act of 1970 (USA)
- P
- Paid holidays (USA)
- Paid sick leave (USA)
- Paid vacations (USA)
- Parental Leave (Czech Republic)
- Parental Leave Act (Sweden)
- Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act, 1987
- Parental Leave for Fathers Act (Austria)
- Part-time and Fixed-term Work Act (Germany)
- Part-Time Job Contract (France)
- Part-Time Workers Regulations, 2000 (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment)
- Paternity Leave and Benefit Act, 2016 (Ireland)
- Pauza
- Pay Equity Act (Canada)
- Payment of Wages Act, 1991 (Ireland)
- Payment of Wages Act, 2022 (Tips and Gratuities)
- Pension Bureau (Japan)
- Pension Extension Order (Israel)
- Pension Fund Administrator (Chile)
- Permanent Contract (France)
- Personal Income Tax (Italy)
- Personal Leave (Czech Republic)
- Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC or PhilHealth)
- Piece Rate (USA)
- PO
- Polish Labour Code (Balanced Working Time)
- Polish Labour Code (Ban on Discrimination in Employment)
- Polish Labour Code (Employment Contract)
- Polish Labour Code (Interrupted Working Time)
- Polish Labour Code (Minimum Remuneration for Work)
- Polish Labour Code (Nighttime Work)
- Polish Labour Code (Overtime Work)
- Polish Labour Code (Standards and Length of Working Time)
- Polish Labour Code (Task-based Working Time)
- Polish Labour Code (The Length of Annual Leave)
- Polish Labour Code (The Right to a Break at Work)
- Polish Labour Code (Working Time Definition)
- Polish Minimum Wage Act, 2002
- Protection of Employees Act, 2001 (Ireland)
- Protection of Employees Act, 2003 (Ireland)
- Protection of Employment Act, 2012 (Ireland)
- Public Companies Act (Thailand)
- Public Employment Service Office (Philippines)
- Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic
- Public Holidays and Days of National Importance Act (Estonia)
- Q
- R
- Redundancy Payments Acts, 1967–2014 (Ireland)
- Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Rest Periods Act (Austria)
- Restrictive Covenants (Netherlands)
- Revenue Commissioners (Ireland)
- Rogue spend
- Romanian Fiscal Code, 2016
- Romanian Labor Code
- Royal Decree law 16/2013 (Spain)
- S
- Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005 (Ireland)
- Salaried Employees/White-Collar Workers Act (Austria)
- Salary (USA)
- Secretariat of Health (Mexico)
- Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare (Mexico)
- Self Employed Statute (Spain)
- Self-Employed Person’s Pensions Act (YEL)
- Senior Fixed-Term Contract (France)
- Severance Pay Compensation Law, 1963 (Israel)
- Sick Leave (Czech Republic)
- Sick Leave Act, 2022 (Ireland)
- Sick Leave Law, 1976 (Israel)
- Sickness Insurance Act (Czech Republic)
- Sickness Insurance Act (Czech Republic)
- Skills Development Fund Corporation (Malaysia)
- SL
- Social Insurance Act (ASVG)
- Social Security Act (Thailand)
- Social Security Administration (Costa Rica)
- Social Security Law, 1995, Mexico (Sick Leave)
- Social Security Office (Thailand)
- Social Security Organisation, SOCSO (Malaysia)
- Social Security Regulations (Colombia)
- Social Security System (SSS)
- Social Security Tribunal of Canada (SST)
- Social Welfare Department (Hong Kong)
- Spanish Tax Administration Agency
- Special Department of Federal Revenue of Brazil
- Specific-Task Contract (Poland)
- Statute of Workers (Spain)
- Student and Postgraduate Internship Contract (Poland)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Annual Leave)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Compensatory Holidays / Rest Days)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Equal Pay)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Maternity Leave)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Minimum Wage)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Night Work Compensation)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Notice Requirement)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Overtime Compensation)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Paternity Leave)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Pay on Public Holidays)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Probation Period)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Sick Leave)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Weekend / Public Holiday Work Compensation)
- Substantive Labour Code, 1950, Colombia (Weekly Rest Days)
- Superannuation (Australia)
- Sweden Employment Protection Act (Employment Contracts)
- Swedish Public Employment Service
- Swedish Tax Agency
- Swiss Civil Code
- Swiss Code of Obligations
- Swiss Constitution
- Swiss Federal Tax Administration (FTA)
- Swiss Social Security System
- T
- Task (USA)
- Tax Administration (Croatia)
- Tax Administration (Serbia)
- Tax Administration Service (Mexico)
- Tax and Customs Board (Estonia)
- Tax Authority Austria
- Tax Relief
- Temporary/Agency Job Contracts (France)
- Terms of Employment Acts, 1994–2014 (Information)
- Thai Civil and Commercial Code
- The Anti-Wage and Social Dumping Act (Austria)
- The Antimonopoly Act (Japan)
- The Austrian National Public Health Institute
- The Canada Labour Code (the Code)
- The Civil Code (Costa Rica)
- The Civil Code of the Republic of Chile
- The Commercial Code (Germany)
- The Constitution of Costa Rica
- The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
- The Costa Rican Labor Code
- The Department of Planning and Investment (National Business Registration)
- The Elderly Statute (Brazil)
- The Employees Compensation Act, 1923
- The Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
- The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
- The Employment Contract Act (Argentina)
- The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
- The Equality Act, 2010 (United Kingdom)
- The Federal Office for Social Security (Germany)
- The Federal Paternal Benefit and Parental Leave Act (Germany)
- The Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974 (United Kingdom)
- The Hours of Employment Act (Germany)
- The Independent Contractors Act, 2006 (Australia)
- The Labour Code (Section 29)
- The Labour Code, Czech Republic (Contractors)
- The Labour Court Act (Germany)
- The Maternity and Parental Leave Regulations, 1999 (United Kingdom)
- The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
- The Maternity Protection Act (Germany)
- The Minimum Wage Act (Germany)
- The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
- The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic
- The Occupational Health and Safety Act (Croatia)
- The Order of the Ministry of Employment (Labor Contract)
- The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
- The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
- The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
- The State Labour Inspectorate (Poland)
- The Working Conditions Act (Netherlands)
- The Works Constitution Act (Germany)
- Time Rate (USA)
- Time-based pay (USA)
- Total compensation (USA)
- Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations, 2006 (United Kingdom)
- Transportation Voucher
- U
- Unemployment Insurance Act (Austria)
- Unfair Dismissals Act (Germany)
- Unfair Dismissals Acts, 1977–2015 (Ireland)
- Usual hours (USA)
- Usual weekly earnings (USA)
- V
- Vacation (Croatia)
- Vacations (Brazil)
- Variable Salary (USA)
- Vendor-user
- Vietnamese Civil Code
- Vietnamese Labour Code
- W
- Wage (USA)
- Wage and Hour Division (USA)
- Wage Earner Protection Program Act (Canada)
- Wage Guarantee Act (Sweden)
- Wages and the Fair Labor Standards Act (USA)
- Wages Protection Act, 1983 (New Zealand)
- Weekly Holidays Act, 1950 (Malaysia)
- Wellness Program (USA)
- White-Collar Employees Act (Austria)
- Work and Rest Hours Law, 1951 (Israel)
- Work Health And Safety Act, 2011 (Australia)
- Workday (USA)
- Worker
- Workers’ Statute (Italy)
- Working Day Regulation (Argentina)
- Working Hours
- Working Hours Act (Netherlands)
- Working Hours Act (Sweden)
- Working Hours Act in Austria
- Working Hours Act, 2019 (Finland)
- Working Pauza (Croatia)
- WorkSafe New Zealand (WorkSafe)
- WS
- WS3
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