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Student and Postgraduate Internship Contract (Poland)

Umowa o praktyki studenckie i absolwenckie (Student and postgraduate internship contract)

The student and postgraduate internship contract is issued by the educational institution and concluded with the employer.


  • A flexible or strict schedule of professional duties.
  • Duration of the internship.
  • The scope of the work responsibilities.
  • The employer, for its part, has the right to complete the student’s practice only with the permission of the administration of the educational institution. This is only possible in cases where the trainee does not cope with his duties or violates discipline (being late, etc.).
  • The amount of wages (the remuneration is two times less than the minimum wage in Poland) or its absence determines the educational institution.
  • Social contributions are made in ZUS.
  • The contract can be concluded with two employers at once.
  • The employer is not obligated to issue a certificate of practice to the employee, this can be done only at the personal request of the trainee.

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