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General Health Care Act of 1986 (Spain)

Ley General de Sanidad (General Health Care Act of 1986)

Spain’s General Health Care Act of 1986 constitutes the foundations of the Spanish healthcare system. It provides universal coverage, free access to healthcare, and is principally funded through taxation. It also has a regional organizational structure. A guaranteed healthcare benefits package is stipulated by the Cohesion and Quality Act of 2003. Article 46 of the Ley General de Sanidad establishes the fundamental characteristics of the SNS:

a. Extension of services to the entire population.
b. Adequate organization to provide comprehensive health care, including promotion of health, prevention of disease, treatment and rehabilitation.
c. Coordination and, as needed, integration of all public health resources into a single system.
d. Financing of the obligations derived from this law will be met by resources of public administration, contributions and fees for the provision of certain services.
e. The provision of a comprehensive health care, seeking high standards, properly evaluated and controlled.

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