Constitution of Morocco

The Constitution of Morocco is the supreme law of the Kingdom of Morocco. The constitution defines Morocco as a constitutional monarchy and lays out the fundamental rights of Moroccan citizens, it also defines the basis and structures of government, the council of ministers, and the parliament.

A referendum on constitutional reforms was held in Morocco on 1 July 2011. It was called in response to a series of protests across Morocco that began on 20 February 2011 when over ten thousand Moroccans participated in demonstrations demanding democratic reforms. A commission was to draft proposals by June 2011. A draft released on 17 June foresaw the following changes:

  • requiring the King to name a Prime Minister, renamed Head of government, from the largest party in Parliament;
  • handing a number of rights from the monarch to the PM, including dissolution of parliament;
  • allowing parliament to grant amnesty, previously a privilege of the monarch;
  • making Berber an official language alongside Arabic

The changes were reportedly approved by 98.49% of voters. Despite protest movements calling for a boycott of the referendum, government officials claimed turnout was 72.65%.

Following the referendum, early parliamentary elections were held on 25 November 2011.

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