2 min read

Talent Pool: The low-effort method for directly sourcing new quality resources

At the core of most contingent workforces is the connection between managers and talent. 

Your managers are focusing on producing and delivering quality results to your customers by hiring the relevant skilled talent. And your talent is most likely focusing on building their own successful freelance business so they can create a good lifestyle for themselves and their families.

So when you’re thinking about the intersection between your talent and managers, you need to consider:

  • How to connect the two
  • How do you ensure quality in a new suite of onboarded talent
  • How do you accommodate changing customer requirements 
  • How to navigate the freelance contractor landscape
  • Whether your internal teams are competing for the same resources in your talent pool across multiple clients

With these factors in mind, let’s take a look at how we provide our Worksuite customers with the technology to build and scale a quality talent pool to improve their workforce pipeline.

Measuring the quality of your talent

Measuring talent quality depends on the type of talent you’re looking to hire. For example, a  photographer will be measured by a different skill set than a marketing expert. 

Trying to measure talent quality while taking into account the vast differences between skill sets can be a time-consuming activity for your teams. And it can also result in cumbersome workflows, which at the end of the day still don’t ensure certainty around the quality of candidates across your multiple talent types.

With Worksuite, we’ve developed a simple and streamlined method for your organization to ensure quality. This involves using the Job Openings and Workflows features simultaneously, and placing actions in your workflows to surface the top talent in each of your talent types. 

This means your internal teams can quickly and easily see who the top performers are for upcoming assignments – and what their workload is at a glance, to ensure they’re available and not being overloaded with work by other departments.

Reviewing all your new candidates to ensure quality and fit

Worksuite makes it simple for your engagement managers and internal stakeholders to review candidate profiles and initiate onboarding – even if you don’t have a dedicated freelance recruiting team.

A common problem within organizations is ensuring that internal team members don’t “go rogue” and bypass any of your critical onboarding or compliance steps – which can put your organization at risk. 

Worksuite has built-in “check and balances” to ensure the proper next steps are always taken when your teams are sourcing and reviewing new talent.

From initial approval steps, to stage managers, to custom notifications – the setup of a customized candidate workflow for your company has never been easier. And you can rest easy that you’re compliant at every stage of hiring and assigning your new contractors.

How to achieve adoption of the talent pool in Worksuite

Most organizations achieve rapid adoption of the talent pool sourcing capabilities within Worksuite – simply because it saves teams time and gives complete transparency into every individual contractor in your talent network. 

Constraints around adoption can be due to:

  • Lack of access to a central database of candidates
  • Additional effort for your recruiters to sift through a high volume of freelancers
  • A manual duplicate data entry process
  • A disjointed user experience for your talent

By creating awareness of your talent needs and encouraging adoption of the automated onboarding workflows that you can create with Worksuite, many of these adoption hesitations and issues can be overcome quickly as your freelancers and teams realize how simple and effective the talent pool system is.

Post on your website’s career page that you’re looking for fresh talent, and use popular social media outlets to your advantage – such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. These tactics can increase the number of quality candidates that you can quickly onboard so you can create a robust central database for your organization – and a quality talent pool for every upcoming project.