3 min read

Custom Branding Your Personalized Freelancer Management System

In this article we’ll cover all the things you can customize with your branding in Worksuite, to virtually white-label our freelance management software and make it your own. 

The result? Brand continuity, brand loyalty, and freelancers spreading the word on your behalf. As far as your contractors know, they are logging into your company’s proprietary system, custom-built to efficiently onboard, manage and pay their invoices on time, and empower them to do their best creative work.

Below we’ll cover what you can already customize in Worksuite (no matter what plan you’re on), plus our Custom Branding add-on package to take it to the next level. 

Worksuite custom branded theme - freelancer management software

Why Custom Branding? 

Obvious benefits aside of having your brand everywhere, there are many reasons to wrap your workforce management tool in custom branding. 

Brand Awareness & Loyalty

You manage dozens, if not hundreds of contractors working under your umbrella. (Some of our customers oversee thousands of freelancers at a time.) These professionals are all potential ambassadors of your brand. Freelancing is a tight-knit community, and if someone has a good experience working with you, they may very well tell their friends. 

Growing Your Talent Pool

Many Worksuite customers leverage their brands to grow their freelance talent pool beyond their existing rolodex. Take production agency Jack Morton, for example. Worksuite helped Jack Morton go from 100s to 1000s of freelancers, practically on autopilot. 

The agency created a branded Job Portal with three different ways to “Join Our Talent Network.” This portal is hosted on their website, but plugs into their Worksuite automated onboarding workflows and talent directory. This tactic alone generated 2,000+ interested freelancers raising their hand and applying to do work for Jack Morton. 

No more scouring the earth to find available talent that fits your budget! Just look in your Worksuite dashboard, and the talent comes to you. 

How Jack Morton leverages its brand + Worksuite freelancer management platform to scale its agency talent network

Long Term Relationships → Better Work

By personalizing every touchpoint that your talent experiences with your brand, and automating all the administrative parts with good design and a personal tone, you are helping to build long-term relationships at scale. Your freelancers will remember you. And they’ll want to keep updating their availability and get hired again for more projects. 

Not only does this produce better work in the long run, but it also saves you countless hours from having to find new talent. 

Immerse Them in Your World

As Brian Collins, founder and chief creative officer of renowned branding firm COLLINS, once wrote

“The way I see it, a brand—a really successful brand—relies on three key ideas working together: a powerful story, meaningful symbols, and what we call a responsive system—all of the things you touch and sense and feel and use and actually, tangibly experience.

Creating a culture and branded experience for your clients and internal employees is a no-brainer. Then, why not do the same for your external freelancers? Every button they touch, every email they receive, should be a consistent and enjoyable brand experience. 

Now that we’ve covered the “why,” let’s get into the “what” and “how.”

Worksuite custom branding - public job portal - choose color theme

What You Can Already Customize in Worksuite:

  • Logo — In the top left of your Worksuite environment. 
  • Colors — branded UI and buttons throughout the platform. 
  • Branded Job Portal — source new candidates on a portal page that leverages your brand.
  • Platform Terminology — e.g. Freelancers, Contractors, Partners, Vendors, Coaches. Every modal and piece of copy is dynamically updated based on your organization’s vocabulary.
  • Custom Rates — e.g. Do you want to organize writers based on per-article rate? Or videographers based on day rate? Or do you manage a specific type of provider who charges by the session? This is all configurable within Worksuite. 
  • Automated Onboarding Workflows — customize every touchpoint with personalized content, and even embed a branded welcome video to bring new talent into the fold. 

Level Up With “Custom Branding” Add-On: 

  • Email Notifications Package — every single touchpoint that appears in your freelancers’ and team’s inboxes will be from your brand, not Worksuite. This includes your logo at the top, custom color theme and button colors in every notification. 
  • Custom URL for your Job Portal — e.g. talent.yourbrand.com — this is where your Branded Job Portal is hosted, and seamlessly integrates with your website experience. 
Worksuite Custom Branding "Add On" Package - wrap all your email notifications in your brand!

Now, with a custom branded Worksuite platform and email notifications, your freelancers will be blown away by how much you’ve got things dialed-in. Most agencies can’t even find time to work on their own websites. Yet somehow you’ve customized an entire management and invoicing system?? 

Word travels fast in this industry. Why not be known as the company who has its $#!% together, pays people on time, and delivers amazing work at scale? 

This is just one of the many reasons we designed Worksuite to support your freelancer management needs and help you grow your contingent workforce. If custom branding is something you’re interested in for your Worksuite environment, drop us a line at support@worksuite.com. We’d be happy to help you make it your own.