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Occupational Health and Safety Management System (Colombia)

Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (Occupational Health and Safety Management System)

The Ministry of Labor, committed to the protection policies of Colombian workers and in development of international standards and conventions, established the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-SST) , which must be implemented by all employers and consists of the development of a logical and phased process, based on continuous improvement, which includes policy, organization, planning, application, evaluation, auditing and improvement actions in order to anticipate , recognize, evaluate and control the risks that may affect safety and health in the workplace.

The management system applies to all public and private employers, dependent and independent workers, cooperative workers, workers on mission, personnel recruiters under civil, commercial or administrative contract modality, solidarity economy organizations and the sector cooperative, temporary service companies, unions or associations that affiliate independent workers to the Comprehensive Social Security System; occupational risk managers; the National Police in what corresponds to its non-uniformed personnel and the civilian personnel of the Military Forces.