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Employees Income Provision Act

Employees' Income Provision Act

The Employees’ Income Provision Act (BMSVG) introduced a regulated severance pay scheme in Austria for all work contracts concluded after 31 December 2002, as well as to existing work contracts in force on 31 December 2002 provided that BMSVG applicability has been agreed upon for such individual contracts.

Under the BMSVG, employers withhold a legally defined contribution from the monthly pay and transfer this contribution to the employees’ chosen income provision fund. In the case of dismissal by the employer, an employee with at least three years of job tenure can chose between receiving his/her severance payment from the account, or saving the entitlement towards a future pension.

If the employee quits or if job tenure is shorter than three years, no severance payment will be made but the balance of the account is carried over to the next employer. The amount of severance pay will depend on the capital accrued in the fund, the investment income earned and the capital guaranteed.