Employment Ordinance Chapter 12 (Protection against Anti-union Discrimination)

Employment Ordinance Chapter 12 (Protection against Anti-union Discrimination)

Right of an Employee in Participating in Trade Unions Every employee shall have the following rights: 1. to be a member or an officer of a trade union 2. to take part in the activities of the trade union at any appropriate time, if the employee is a member or an officer of a trade union (Appropriate time means:- - outside working hours; or - during working hours by arrangement and with the consent of the employer.) 3. to associate with other persons for the purpose of forming or applying for the registration of a trade union. Statutory Requirements of the Employer An employer shall not:- 1. prevent or deter an employee from exercising any of the above rights; 2. dismiss, penalise or discriminate against an employee for exercising the above rights; 3. make it a condition of employment that an employee must not exercise the above rights.