Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (Belgium)
Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises, Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen)
What is the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises? The Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE) is a database owned by the FPS Economy containing all the basic data concerning companies and their business units. The purpose of the CBE is twofold:
- increasing the efficiency of public services; and
- simplifying administrative procedures for companies.
Method of operation The CBE centralises the basic data of companies and business unit and disseminates it to several competent authorities. The CBE assigns a unique identification number to each company and business unit. This identification number allows authorities to exchange information. Consequently, companies need to submit their data to the authorities only once.
For whom? Specific services have been developed for each target group. Services exist for:
- everyone
- companies
- administrations