Federal Labour Law (Minimum Wage/Salary)

§82-116 of Federal Labour Law (Minimum Wage/Salary)

REGULAR PAY Wage is the remuneration to be paid by the employer to the employee for the work performed. In accordance with the Mexican Constitution, wage period can't be longer than 7 days. However, Federal Labour Law clarifies that 7 days wage payment period is for manual laborers and farm workers. The deadline for wage payment, i.e., the wage payment period can't be longer than 7 days for manual workers and 15 days for other types of workers. The law requires that wages may be fixed per unit of time, per unit of work, commission, lump sum or otherwise. The minimum wages are determined on daily basis. The wages must be paid in legal tender and in cash unless agreed by the employee. Payment of wages must be made at a place where workers usually are employed and payment must be made on a working day and during working hours. The wages provided in an employment contract can't be less than the minimum wage for occupations/region. Minimum wage is exempted from the attachment, compensation or deductions. Employer must provide printed or electronic pay slips to the workers indicating wages and deductions, if any. Workers may refuse in writing to be subject to any deductions of union dues from their salaries. In such a case, employer may not make such deductions.